WHY HELLO! It's time for another blog entry! Before I get into this entry, I wanted to mention that I posted an update to Caltonia's site about a week ago on the progress on Chapter 2! This blog now has an RSS feed that you can subscribe to!
I definitely want to get into updating my blog more, but so much other stuff takes up my brainspace that what's on my mind gets put into my personal journal, haha. I've been busy with comics and even a couple zine pieces and when I'm not working on them I'm just doodling, reading, or spending time outside.
I recently acquired Storyboard Pro and I've been watching tons of tutorials and demos for the program. I've mentioned in past blog posts that I have a couple of board ideas thumbed out and since I have SBP now, I can't wait to plug them in and start working on them!
Here's some of the doodles I've drawn this month!

A while back I came by the How Hungry meme by porgiexd and it reminded me so much of the Star Quest cast lol. It has a twist, Purvall made food for Kris and Twizzle! Did you know that they can cook?
Another is something that was on my mind when I started watching Trigun Stampede back in early March.

And that's it for this entry! Thanks for reading!