Astra Tome January 25, 2023

Originally posted to Tumblr on January 21, 2023.

Astra Tome: The History and Legends of the Early Universe

I wanted to talk a bit about the book Purvall carries with them. This is the Astra Tome! Tons of info below!

The Astra Tome was a series of books that was published sometime in the 2nd Aeon on planet Etolia and detailed a lot of the history and the events that took place eons before other societies came to be.

Some of its contents included anecdotes, studies, and history of the universe that was written in the 1st Aeon. It also included theories, myths and legends about the Star Deities, and bits and pieces about the Astra Warriors.

It was placed in the archives and libraries of Etolia and sat for eons until, sometime in year 3000 UB, it was translated into Galax and shared with the rest of the societies that were a part of the Universal Union.

Multiples of these books can be found in libraries on various planets, but not often in bookstores, as it unfortunately fell into obscurity about 550 years ago from present day.