Redesigning! June 19, 2019

Originally posted to Wordpress on June 19, 2019.

Recently I redesigned two aliens: Salerbies and Coleturies. I’ve had them for years now and I’ve never had a design that I liked, but now I do! Here’s what they look like now!


Coleturies used to be skinnier but I’ve made them larger and removed their noses and mouths. Everything else is still the same! They have 6 limbs and their arms are retractable.


The only thing that has changed about the Salerbies is their head. They had eyes with pupils, but now their head has a snout and their eyes are black.

The written stuff on both pictures are me just writing down the fate of their planet, Beetledeo, which was completely destroyed by Speccio. I was decided to make Beetledeo and Salerbe the same planet, since they were kind of samey anyway. %’D

Now Salerbe is the name of a country on planet Bugroo!